– Introducing the most versatile and dynamic Cinelifter on the market for professional Cinematic First Person View (FPV). Conceived and perfected on set by Gabriel Kocher and Andy Shen. The Siccario (Sicc) X8 puts the payload, your camera, at the heart of the drone to minimize rotational inertia, thus producing exceptionally smooth and stable flight. Siccario is the first platform of its kind to give the camera the attention it needs as well as placement and adjustable angles that are uncompromised by the needs of the platform that carries it. Throwing traditional design practices aside the specially designed “Arching Arm Design” and x8 motor configuration provides redundancy in a lightweight design, with a compact wheelbase smaller than any other Cinelifter platform currently available.
- Designed and tuned around the Zcam and Red Komodo Cameras to afford you the dynamic versatility of the latest in compact S35 or full-frame bodies and lens combinations
- X8 Design allows for stable but powerful thrust delivery to create shots with a smooth and steady transition from low speed to over 100Km/h (depending on loadout) capturing every immersive moment with production quality needed for high-end cinematic content
- Adjustable camera mounting from 0° to 40° (negative tilt available not standard)
- Custom camera mounting plate and dampeners designed and tested by Gab and Andy for the best overall performance with any box format camera and stabilization method including optimization for SteadXP
- Single battery design unifying your need from one power source using an XT90-AS connector
- Versatile prop combinations from 7″ Tri-blade to 8″ can be used for dynamic versatility
- 3-6 minutes of flight time depending on payload and battery combination (4000-5000mah 6s recommended with Zcam and Komodo)
- Capable of carrying average payloads up to 1.6kg (2808-1350kv) and 2kg (2812-1100kv) with dedicated brotherhobby motors.
- Optional hardware and configurable accessories to control and power cameras
- Completely assembled, tested, and tuned (in Belgium) for versatile payload.
- Drone Voltage-6s (25v)
- Prop Size-7” (8” can be used in certain load outs)
- Motor- 2812 1100kv (8” prop dedicated SASTE build)
- 2x Foxeer Reaper F4 65A 4in1 or equivalent
- Battery Plug- XT90
- FC : Brainfpv Radix 2 HD
- Betaflight Custom Tuned and Setup
- Weight-1250g(2808 model) 1350g (2812 model)
- MAX FLIGHT WEIGHT Recommended :
- 2812-1100kv= 4kg (8″ props)
- Base Siccario:
- X8 SiccarioDrone with 1 set of Props
- 1x Universal Mounting
- Nano or TBS Diversity Receiver (Selectable)
- Onboard 12v BEC for Camera Power (7a Continuous)
- MN880 GPS
- Shendrones universal AlphaGel Camera mount
SASTE PID base tune below (if you want other tuning, we can make custom changes for your needs)
Master Multiplier: 1.2 – this turns up P I and D and makes the drone push harder to correct for stick inputs and against external forces. – This has been reduced from my initial suggestion to allow for I-term issues caused by loose cameras as suggested by Sam Sanford. Extra P & D gain is added further down this post to keep the drone following set point
PD Balance: 1.4 – this mellows out P bounce back and resists all movement by turning up the D term – this really helps make things smooth. Setting this balance too high can result in hot motors, ideally this balance is determined using blackbox logging. 1.4 is a safe bet and you can see how it feels a couple of clicks higher, checking motor temps and listening for motor trilling as you go
Stick response: 0.5 – this turns down a boost effect that pushes the drone more aggressively when the sticks are moved fast – this generally isn’t ideal for Cine stuff as you want smooth footage
I Term Relax Cutoff: 5 – this is in the right hand panel on the tuning tab. Turning this down from the default setting prevents I term accumulating when the drone is rotating faster than the threshold. This tames slow wobbles after fast flips and rolls which can happen when a larger drone is not tracking set point well
Anti Gravity Gain: 10 – this is in the right hand panel as well. Turning this up from default will reduce the amount of nose wobble you get when blipping the throttle or powering out of a dive. Settings higher than 10 might be needed but the sticks will start to feel stiff with large throttle movements
Filtering: It is possible to increase prop wash performance by reducing the amount of filtering (less filtering = bigger slider number in GUI = filter cutoff at higher frequency in hz!).
On bigger drones you really need to be using blackbox info to make adjustments before you move away from having the filter sliders at 1. (available with the Kakture H7) You don’t fully benefit from reduced filtering unless you are increasing your PD gain at the same time.. otherwise you are sacrificing the ability to fly with damaged props without taking full advantage of the improved flight performance.
RPM Filtering is highly recommended. Once setup, put the Dynamic notch to the following settings so it can focus on the lower frequencies while RPM filtering does the higher ones:
Dynamic Notch Width Percent: 0
Dynamic Notch Q: 250
Dynamic Notch Min Hz: 90
Dynamic Notch Max Hz: 350
PD Gain: 1.3 start with your PD gain at 1.3, if you are used to flying 5″ on BF defaults it should start to feel much better, probably a little loose still. If you want to get better prop wash handling and a more dialed in feel then you can slowly increase the P and D gain, checking motor temps each time until you hear the motors trilling in the air. Then back it off a notch or two. If the motors are already trilling or getting hot at 1.3 then reduce the PD gain
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